My husband's cousin is getting married at the end of this month, and I had the absolute pleasure of making the bridal shower invitations. That was a big job that had a lot of design work behind it, but I eventually finished that, and I was really happy with the design I came up with. It was also pretty exciting to receive one in the mail. :)

Also, I had an idea for a favor for the bridal shower, and I really wanted to do that so I made it, showed it to the approvers and said if you like it, I really want to make them! It's part of my present. Not all of it; I will also be getting her a real present. Something fun! Anyway, the favor... The bridal shower is a tea party, and I made a matchbook with a teabag inside. The outside has their names on it with their cute little logo, and the tea tag on the actual bag also has that stuff on it, along with the tea flavor. It was just really fun to design and make. Check it out.

A friend of mine asked me to make him a Mother's Day card so I also did that. That was fun just because I'd been looking for an excuse to make this particular card design, and I'm really glad I finally did. I love it! It's also one of my few cards that has a sentiment printed on the inside. It also has shinies! Yay, shinies!

In the midst of all this, I'm sewing a dress! I decided to try this one more time. I attempted sewing a dress last year around this time, and I just didn't get it. Honestly, it's a mess, and it's still unfinished amongst all my scrap fabrics. Not to say it's scrap, but that is where it has fallen. :) So try #2 is going pretty well. I hit some rough spots, but it doesn't matter because you can't tell. I'm not gonna show you that one, yet because I'm waiting to reveal it. But I will tell you this, I look fabulous in zebra print. :) It's almost done!
I'm also working on some smaller crafts and, of course, I have a staple knitting project going. I'm still working on my purple tank top, and I'm loving it. It looks great at this point. I also tried out a new craft. I made a gift bag banner. I some one at Michael's, and I figured, hey, I can do that. I do that frequently at Michael's. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I think it did this time. Note the adorable teeny tiny clothespins holding the banner onto the bag. That's my favorite part.

Wish me luck in all my personal crafts. I'll be finishing them soon and returning to play on etsy!
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